Sunday, April 24, 2011


For the season of Lent, I did not use Facebook or write on my blog.  Today is Easter.  The time of darkness has past; the computer is turned on.  Resurrection has come.  Redemption has come home.

Obviously, this is the day that we as Christians remember that "He is not here.  He is risen!"  These words were spoken by the angel at the tomb when the women went to see the body of Jesus.  Today, death is found powerless.  Today, darkness has past from us.  Today is the day of Resurrection and we are free from sin and the grave!

It is also a day when many of us take back some of the things we "gave up" for Lent.  I have already perused though Facebook this morning.  Amazingly, it looked pretty much like it did 40 days ago when I signed off for the last time.  While, I was slightly disappointed with the posts I read this morning, I am sure within a few days I will be back to checking it several times a day lest I miss something important.  Funny isn't it.  I don't think I missed anything truly important over the last six weeks.

Today is also a day of redemption.  Before Jesus faced his own crucifixion and death, he stopped at the grave of a friend who had been dead four days.  Martha, the friend's sister, warned Jesus, "There is already a stench!"  Jesus told the people to remove the stone which covered the face of the tomb.  When Jesus called, "Lazarus, come out!" the dead man walked out of the tomb.  But then Jesus had to tell the people, "unbind him."  Many people walk through life bound up by the past.  We might not literally be dead, but we cannot be fully alive if we are still tied up by the past

A little over a week ago, I received the call to be unbound.  I received word that I was accepted to law school.  Suddenly, it felt as if my life had changed.  I was not dead, but the past still hung on me like the cloths that held the dead.  Today, I am alive, free, and looking forward to a better tomorrow. 

May your day of resurrection and redemption come swiftly.  May you be blessed as you find yourself unbound from the past.