I have lived in Texas for all of my 39 years and have weathered the summers here for all of them minus one when I spent the summer in northern Germany. I know hot when I see it, feel it, or melt in it. This summer is HOT! Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam says, "It is Africa hot!" Brothers and sisters, Africa has nothing on Texas this summer.
Tuesday evening while 100+ children were gathered at Genesis United Methodist Church a UPS truck pulled into the parking lot. The driver was not there to make a delivery. The man was on the verge of dying in the heat. Literally, he was vomitting and not fully consious. He collasped on the ground and was not able to even get into a wheel chair to be brought inside to the air conditioning. A 911 call brought an ambulance and firetruck to the church. The man was taken to a local hospital and given an IV and treatments for heat exhaustion.
Yep, it is hot. Sunday, a group of Junior High kids and a few of us adults will go on a mission trip in the heat. I have to admit that I am not looking forward to what some forecasts have in the range of 100 to 105 for the highs.
Today, Marvin, a.k.a. the UPS man, came by the church to thank the staff for their help in his time of need. On Tuesday evening he was literally at his last stop, save the fact we were having Vacation Bible School.
Did I mention the theme for Tuesday night was, "God watches over you"? And we were reminded that "Even in darkness I cannot hide from you" (Psalm 139:12). God watches over us in the hot and in the cold, in the light and the dark, in the good and the bad, in our best and our worst. God was watching over Marvin and God is watching over you.
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