A while back a member of the congregation brought me a ceramic cross hand made in Peru. The cross is being carried by a plethora of persons dressed in native Peruvian garb. The note she attached says, "We are working together to serve the Lord."
Sometimes it is hard to remember we are supposed to be working together in service to the Lord. We get side tracked with little issues. We let silly things get in the way of working as one body. Simply disagreements fester. We let hurt feelings become hard feelings and animosity grows within us. Then we are almost surprised when Christ is not at the center of the Church, when God is not glorified in all we do, or when the Spirit is not allowed to lead the Church.
Each of us needs to remember that not only are we, the followers of Jesus, working together to serve the Lord, each of us is in service with Christ. Our service to Christ, our being a disciple, begins with simple acts of piety. . . prayer, searching the scriptures, worship, listening for God's voice to speak.
We serve Christ and we are in service with Christ. We are working together and living together under the reign of God.
Sometimes it is hard to remember we are supposed to be working together in service to the Lord. We get side tracked with little issues. We let silly things get in the way of working as one body. Simply disagreements fester. We let hurt feelings become hard feelings and animosity grows within us. Then we are almost surprised when Christ is not at the center of the Church, when God is not glorified in all we do, or when the Spirit is not allowed to lead the Church.
Each of us needs to remember that not only are we, the followers of Jesus, working together to serve the Lord, each of us is in service with Christ. Our service to Christ, our being a disciple, begins with simple acts of piety. . . prayer, searching the scriptures, worship, listening for God's voice to speak.
We serve Christ and we are in service with Christ. We are working together and living together under the reign of God.