He sees you when your sleeping.
He knows when you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good,
so be good for goodness sake.
Yep, that my friends is GOOD parenting.
In the past, I have worried about who might be watching. I was not always the best example, and probably, if my life were played out on a screen and I had to account for every moment of the day, I would have many times where I would not be proud of the scene playing out before my eyes even today.
This morning, however, it became obvious I was being watched. My seven-year old has been watching. He knows how to use my i-pad, my i-phone, and the remote. Let's for the sake of arguement call those neutral. But this morning, I was proud that he was watching.
I was helping him get dressed this morning. We were sitting at the table that sits in the corner of Tammy's and my bedroon. My son pointed to a leather-bond book on the table and said, "Bible?"
"No. That is not a Bible, but there is a Bible on the table. Do you want to read a story from the Bible?" I responded.
"No, thank you," he said. Then after a moment, he said, "Bible. Pray."
I looked up from his shoes, "Yes. Mom and I read a devotion and pray most mornings." (Tammy and I made it a practice in our lives to have about 10 mins of devotion, discussion, and prayer every morning after I moved back into the house in September of '09.)
He said, "Travis pray?" And he pointed to the TV, and said, "Off." (He knows we mute the news when we do our devotion.)
So, I muted the TV. He sat where Tammy normally sits and we prayed. When Trav and I pray, they are simple, amazingly honest prayers. We thank God for special people in his life. When we finished, he kissed me. (Tammy and I kiss when we finish our devotion)
Yep, he has been watching me. He knows when I am sleeping, running, being good, wasting time, or even praying. I am just glad that he sees something good.